You are very welcome to join this community, but please note that joining an additional community will count towards your school`s allocation of memberships πŸ‘«πŸ»

Once you request access, we will email you and your School Account manager to confirm the details βœ‰οΈ

ACAMIS School Membership

Peer Sphere memberships for ACAMIS Schools

ACAMIS School Membership for Peer Sphere’s peer learning communities offer collaborative learning to benefit you and your school, with communities that are customized for ACAMIS members.Β 


school peers celebrating learning together using peersphere membership

Get in touch to learn how we can tailor PeerSphere for your school’s needs.

You can book a free professional development consultation directly with one of our co-founders below or, email us at [email protected].

We can’t wait to chat soon!

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