PeerSphere introduces scholarship programme for 2024/25

Photo by Skye Studios on Unsplash

By LeeAnne Lavender, PeerSphere Storyteller

As PeerSphere’s peer learning communities continue to grow in fabulous ways, founders Michael Iannini and Ewen Bailey have plans for 2024/25 to offer scholarships for each PLC community. 

“We want to increase our corporate social responsibility commitments next year, and by offering a scholarship to each community, we can be more inclusive for teachers who might be paying for PD out of their own pockets,” says Michael. 

Scholarship recipients will become community ambassadors, which means they will commit to being active, contributing participants in their PLC. 

Michael and Ewen will launch an application process for 2024/25 scholarships in August. If you’d like to participate in a PLC but aren’t sure if your school will pay for your membership, becoming a community ambassador might be a great way of joining the PeerSphere learning space!

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