Community Host Code of Conduct


  • Community – Private group consisting of a host(s) and many members (e.g. the Librarians Community)
  • Host – The person(s) leading a community (e.g. the host of the Librarians Community)
  • Member – A person who has subscribed to participate in a community (e.g. a member of the Librarians Community)
  • Live Session – 90-minute virtual call facilitated live by a host(s)
  • Platform – Online space hosting each community’s live sessions, asynchronous discussions, and resources.

To service the diverse needs of the schools we work with, we rely extensively on a network of professionals to moderate professional learning across Asia. By agreeing to be a Host of a Community, you understand your role will be to moderate 5 live sessions and engage members on our platform. To ensure the highest levels of professional learning are realized in the meetings, you will be required to:

  • Understand the learning needs and experience of your members.
  • Draft meeting agendas that address timely topics, in line with the learning needs of the members.
  • Draw upon members experience, or outside experts, to inform meeting topic conversations.
  • Surface key insights and questions from meeting conversations that can be explored more deeply.
  • Be sensitive and responsive to group interpersonal dynamics to ensure small grouping discussions are productive.
  • Close meetings by summarizing key discussions items and recommend actions to extend participant learning and development.

To support the development of an inclusive, curious and dynamic online community; in partnership with PD Academia’s administrative team, you will help to ensure that all contributions to discussion forums:

  • Treat all users and colleagues fairly and equally.
  • Stimulate conversation, be respectful of others’ views, and refrain from personal attacks.
  • Respect legitimate intellectual property rights, do not plagiarize work, and give credit to the originators of ideas.
  • Refrain from posting commercial messages or promotions, advertising, or selling goods or services.

All hosts sign a Memorandum of Understanding that acknowledges they understand and will abide by the Code of Conduct as outlined below:

A Community Host will:

  • Take care of members under their supervision with the aim of ensuring their safety and welfare insofar as is reasonably practicable.
  • Respect confidential information relating to learners gained during professional practice unless the wellbeing of an individual or a legal imperative requires disclosure.
  • Uphold the reputation and standing of the profession, act with honesty and integrity in all aspects of their work, and avoid direct conflict between their private interests and their professional work.
  • Respect learners, colleagues and co-professionals and interact with them in a way that respects individual differences and cultural or ethnic diversity.
  • Appreciate the unique and privileged relationships that exist between moderators and learners and conduct these relationships in a way that is professional, respectful and appropriate;
  • Provide complete and accurate information and authentic documents with respect to their professional status, qualifications and experience.
  • Notify Ewen Bailey ([email protected]) prior to any engagement they are contracted to facilitate, if they:
  • Are the subject of an investigation in relation to misconduct working with children, young people or vulnerable adults.
  • Are charged with, convicted of, or cautioned for a criminal offence.
  • Have a disciplinary finding made against them by any professional or regulatory body or by any employer, in their country of origin or abroad.
  • They are informed that they are under investigation by any professional or regulatory body, or that they will be the subject of a disciplinary hearing by any employer, in their country of origin or abroad.

A Community Host will not:

  • Practice the profession while under the influence of any substance which impairs their ability or medical fitness.
  • Act in any way that would prejudice or bring into disrepute the reputation of the school or organization they are working with.
  • Misrepresent their relationship with PD Academia, or any of our partners, to promote or influence private transactions or relationships.
  • Comment on the services provided by other consultants, other training providers or schools that they are familiar with.
  • Use language, scenarios and examples that may be offensive to learners particularly with respect to race, ethnicity, national origin, colour, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, political believe, religion, and mental or physical ability.

Please bring any concerns to Ewen and Michael’s attention by filling out this form. We thank you for your help in keeping PeerSphere welcoming, respectful, and inclusive to all.

Want to learn more about the experience of being in a PeerSphere community?

Want to learn more about the experience of being in a PeerSphere community?

Get in touch to learn how we can tailor PeerSphere for your school’s needs.

You can book a free professional development consultation directly with one of our co-founders below or, email us at [email protected].

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