Lower Elementary Teachers (G1-3) - Practices and Pedagogy

Generative and collaborative Peer Learning Community for Lower Elementary Teachers

Join our ACAMIS online learning community for Lower Elementary (G1-3) educators, where we explore effective practices and innovative pedagogy tailored to young learners. Whether your navigating the challenges of early literacy, fostering inquiry-based learning, or integrating technology into your classroom, this community offers a supportive space for sharing ideas, resources, and strategies. Connect with like-minded educators while enriching your teaching practice – come join us!

Live Session Dates/Times

Details Coming Soon

Live Session 1

October 14, 2024
10:30 am – 12:00 pm (China Time)

Live Session 1

October 14, 2024
10:30 am – 12:00 pm (China Time)

Live Session 1

October 14, 2024
10:30 am – 12:00 pm (China Time)

Live Session 1

October 14, 2024
10:30 am – 12:00 pm (China Time)

Live Session 1

Details Coming Soon

Live Session 2

Details Coming Soon

Live Session 3

Details Coming Soon

Live Session 4

Details Coming Soon

Julia Ferris

Julia is an experienced international educator with a background in both New Zealand and overseas teaching. Having worked in PYP schools, Julia is deeply passionate about fostering inquiry-based learning environments that engage and inspire young learners. With a strong commitment to student-centered education she brings a wealth of practical knowledge and a collaborative spirit to the ACAMIS online learning community. Her international experience and dedication to continuous improvement makes her an ideal co-host for this community of lower elementary educators.

Sarah Tortolano

Sarah Tortolano is an experienced educational leader within the international scene, who is hugely passionate about supporting and mentoring individuals in striving to reach their personal and professional goals. Currently based in Shanghai, Sarah has previously been Head of Wellbeing in a highly reputable school in Dubai where she implemented and drove a wellness curriculum, that was observed and recognized for the positive impact on the community by the local educational government. Sarah moved to China in 2021 and has been promoted within the organisation multiple times. She is now the Head of Pastoral Care for one of the larger campuses in Shanghai. Sarah has overcome numerous barriers and challenges to get to where she is and believes in sharing successful strategies with others.

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PeerSphere Communities have been a fantastic addition to professional learning for schools and educators.
- Planning and Evaluating Professional Development Community Member

I am getting a lot of good insights and ideas from other schools. My school is new so it's helpful to know what more established schools are doing.
- Safeguarding Community Member

I felt that with the experience of people in the community, I am more equipped with my role.
- Athletics Directors Community Member

I have been able to learn from others that have so much knowledge and learn how other schools work.
- Learning Support Specialists (Inclusion) Community Member

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