Early Childhood Education - Leadership (APs & Coordinators)

Generative and collaborative Peer Learning Community for Early Childhood Education – Leadership 

Are you an Early Childhood Educator looking to connect with like-minded professionals, expand your knowledge, and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in our field? Look no further than this community, built specifically for educators like you! By joining PeerSphere, you’ll have access to a supportive and collaborative network of educators from around Asia.
We will have 4 sessions over the year in this collaborative community space to share our learning, discuss problems, discover new tools, and raise our awareness. In between our online meetings, we also have a space all year to connect, share resources, align our vision and iterate together.
Come join us!

Live Session Dates/Times

All live sessions take place at 17:00 – 18:30 (China Time) on Thursdays. 

Live Session 1

October 14, 2024
10:30 am – 12:00 pm (China Time)

Live Session 1

October 14, 2024
10:30 am – 12:00 pm (China Time)

Live Session 1

October 14, 2024
10:30 am – 12:00 pm (China Time)

Live Session 1

October 14, 2024
10:30 am – 12:00 pm (China Time)

Live Session 1

 Thursday 17 October   2024, 17:00-18:30 (China Time)

Live Session 2

  Thursday 31 October   2024, 17:00-18:30 (China Time)

Live Session 3

Thursday 14 November 2024, 17:00-18:30 (China Time)

Live Session 4

Thursday 28 November 2024, 17:00-18:30 (China Time)

Karen Brown-Miller

Karen Brown-Miller is an experienced educator, with a journey that began in Jamaica in 2000, taking her to various international schools in The Bahamas and China, and now at Shekou International School (SIS) where she serves as Assistant Principal for Early Primary. She is passionate about inquiry-based learning and believes that children are small amazing humans who thrive in environments that meet them where they are on their journeys. Karen is excited to join PeerSphere to network and continue discussions about the ways to enhance student learning. She enjoys spending time with her family, engaging in self-care activities, exploring her passion for writing, and growing as a life-long learner.

Helen Fawcett

Helen currently serves as the Deputy Head of DUCKS at Dulwich College Singapore.  From inner-city schools to the private sector, her adaptable teaching style has catered to the needs of diverse student populations. Her experience includes leadership roles such as Deputy Head and Head of Pre-Prep at an all-girls school in the Middle East. She is proficient in a variety of educational methodologies and programs, including Talk for Write, White Rose Maths, Read Write Inc., Tales Toolkit, Helicopter Stories, EYmaths, and many more. These training initiatives have equipped her with a diverse toolkit of pedagogical approaches, allowing Helen to tailor her teaching to meet the unique needs of each student. Throughout her career, Helen has remained deeply committed to empowering students and fostering their holistic development, driven by an unwavering belief in the transformative power of education

What Our Members Are Saying About Us

PeerSphere Communities have been a fantastic addition to professional learning for schools and educators.
- Planning and Evaluating Professional Development Community Member

I am getting a lot of good insights and ideas from other schools. My school is new so it's helpful to know what more established schools are doing.
- Safeguarding Community Member

I felt that with the experience of people in the community, I am more equipped with my role.
- Athletics Directors Community Member

I have been able to learn from others that have so much knowledge and learn how other schools work.
- Learning Support Specialists (Inclusion) Community Member

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Sphere Stories

Stories and ideas of how to harness the power of Peer Learning from our hosts and members.

Get in touch to learn how we can tailor PeerSphere for your school’s needs.

You can book a free professional development consultation directly with one of our co-founders below or, email us at [email protected].

We can’t wait to chat soon!

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