AIMS Exclusive - EAL/ELL Leaders

Generative and collaborative Peer Learning Community for EAL Leaders

Join us for an engaging series of webinars exploring multilingualism in international schools. These sessions will dive into critical topics shaping the future of EAL and multilingual teaching and learning. We will discuss Equitable Assessment and Inclusion— How can we create fair, accessible systems that honor all learners’ linguistic strengths? We will reflect on What is in a Name? Challenging colonial narratives and embracing inclusive terminology that empowers multilingual students. Finally, we will explore Looking Beyond Deficit and Asset Lenses, shifting towards a holistic perspective that recognizes the complexities of multilingual identities. We welcome you to join and engage in discussions on insights and strategies, on how we can transform practice and promote equity in our diverse international school communities.

Live Session Dates/Times

All live sessions take place at 19:00 – 20:30 (China Time) on Thursdays. 

Live Session 1

October 14, 2024
10:30 am – 12:00 pm (China Time)

Live Session 1

October 14, 2024
10:30 am – 12:00 pm (China Time)

Live Session 1

October 14, 2024
10:30 am – 12:00 pm (China Time)

Live Session 1

October 14, 2024
10:30 am – 12:00 pm (China Time)

Live Session 1

                 Thursday 13 March 2025,                   19:00-20:30 (China Time)

Live Session 2

                      Thursday 27 March 2025,                        19:00-20:30 (China Time)

Natasha Sarah Viñales

Natasha is a dedicated international educator with over 17 years of experience as an EAL specialist and a strong passion for promoting multilingualism and inclusion in schools. As a Primary EAL specialist at a leading international school in Southeast Asia and the ELLSA Malaysia Chapter Coordinator, she has a proven history of facilitating impactful professional learning for educators. Natasha’s professional interests include translanguaging, culturally responsive teaching, and advancing co-teaching, co-planning, and co-assessing models to create inclusive, thriving learning environments for all students.

Adrienn Szlapak

Adri is an experienced EAL/ESL specialist, author, and academic manager. With over a decade of experience in education, she brings a unique perspective to teaching and managing EAL courses. As a former EAL learner, she deeply understands and empathises with the challenges faced by EAL learners. She’s constantly learning and is passionate about professional development. In her book co-authored with Peter Clements, Supporting EAL Learners: Strategies for Inclusion, she shared her expertise with educators worldwide. Now she’s excited to connect with other educators to build a vibrant community together!

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PeerSphere Communities have been a fantastic addition to professional learning for schools and educators.
- Planning and Evaluating Professional Development Community Member

I am getting a lot of good insights and ideas from other schools. My school is new so it's helpful to know what more established schools are doing.
- Safeguarding Community Member

I felt that with the experience of people in the community, I am more equipped with my role.
- Athletics Directors Community Member

I have been able to learn from others that have so much knowledge and learn how other schools work.
- Learning Support Specialists (Inclusion) Community Member

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